Leyla tells Jai how Nikhil branded her a gold digger. Megan is grateful when Nikhil offers to take Megan to the hospital. Jai sees them together and berates Nikhil for what he said to Leyla. Nikhil apologises to Leyla and she agrees to forgive him for David’s sake. But Priya’s suspicious when he grows flustered trying to cover where he’s been with Megan today.
Tess is taken aback when Paddy tells her about his and Rhona’s adoption meeting but she has news of her own…
Pollard’s taken aback to see David sleeping in a tent outside, but Pollard has no intention of leaving his self-imposed prison. David decides to get professional help but is left devastated when Dr Cavanagh assured him Pollard isn’t showing any signs for concern and there’s nothing more he can do. Can David get through to his dad? He clings to one final bit of hope and vows to get Val’s ring back.
Ashley presents Bob with pantomime tickets for the twins as a gift, thanking him for keeping his secret. Bob reminds Ashley, Harriet will understand too but Ashley’s still not ready to find out.