Priya is with David and Rakesh as the police tell them there is no news on Amba. Georgia’s speechless to hear they think Nicola has kidnapped her. Alicia and Debbie try and reassure Georgia but she offends David. Elsewhere, James arrives at the barn and is stunned to see Nicola who says she’s been falsely imprisoned. She wheels Amba out, leaving James taken shocked. Meanwhile, in the Village, police officers take a statement from Jimmy and Bernice and Rodney are shocked when Jimmy admits to them he doesn’t really know what Nicola’s capable of. Later, Nicola is stunned as she walks back into the village and is promptly sped away in a police car… How will she feel when she hears even Jimmy doubted her?
Jacob’s annoyed by something Lachlan has done. Whilst Lachlan is hopeful things might be looking up but is he deluded? Jai continues to bond with his boy Archie but away from Megan. Later, Jai’s touched when Megan tells him he has to make the most of his time with Archie, but stresses he needs to be honest with her.