Adam and Vanessa wake up in bed together and immediately regret their actions. Later, Kirin finds a scared Vanessa procrastinating from getting her test results ands it’s not long before he manages to convince her of his love and unwavering support. Elsewhere, Victoria finds Adam, insisting she wants to be with him, always did. After a one-night blip, both relationships are back on track, but would they be if either Vanessa or Adam decided to be honest and come clean?
Laurel’s waiting to go to on the family trip to London but is torn when Kerry makes mention of a party she is holding for Dan. The temptation proves too much for Laurel who convinces Kerry to lie to Marlon in order to free her up to attend. Soon the party atmosphere takes a massive dive when Laurel has more than one too many and ruins the evening.
Emma and Ross are irked to learn it was Val who caused the damage. Emma confronts Val, telling her how Finn feels about her and she has lets him down. Will Val be able to right her wrongs?