Linda continues to grow tired of the family feud when Mick insists on paying for half of Stan’s funeral. Taking matters into her own hands, she meets with Pam and Billy to discuss their options. On a mission to build bridges between the family, she invites Buster and a reluctant Shirley over for a family meal. Things start to thaw between them all but the Carters soon find themselves back to square one when Linda receives some bad news.
Charlie visits Dot in prison and opens up about how he feels.
Elsewhere, Max visits Phil and questions him about Karin leaving Phil to realise that Jay has told Max the truth and he questions Jay’s loyalties. Later on, Max and Carol pull together and visit Dot in prison where they learn she doesn’t want to attend Jim’s funera. Back home, the pair begin to go through Jim’s belongings but with Jay’s confession playing on his mind, Max soon leaves.