The Mitchells reel from the events of Halloween and struggle to come to terms with everything that’s happened. Ben does his best to keep his family together but his plans are faltered when he makes an alarming discovery.
Elsewhere, Martin celebrates a front page story about Stacey and their ‘miracle baby’ and invites his friends to The Vic to celebrate. Denise sees through Shabnam’s attempts to be happy for her best friend and after a heart-to-heart discovers it would have been Zaair’s due date today. Embracing his good news, Martin makes amends with a guilty Lee but finds himself unintentionally upsetting Shabnam in the process and she leaves the lunch. Stacey follows her and drops her own bombshell. Shabnam spots something suspicious and sees Stacey is hiding a photo of her baby scan. When Stacey spots Shabnam looking, she snaps and tells Shabnam to get out of the house.
As Linda pushes forward with preparations for the wedding, Mick comes up with an idea to help her