Implant rupture | How to tell if your implants have split
The great silicone myth was that deadly substances would leech into your bloodstream if your breast implants split. This isn't the case with most modern implants which can be sound for ten years or more and are not harmful.
The risks of ruptured implants
When an implant ruptures, scar tissue which forms around the implant can become painfully inflamed and can also change the shape of your breasts as more scar tissue develops.
Fortunately the government have stated that there are no serious, long-term health risks associated with ruptured implants so it doesn't increase your risk of breast cancer or connective tissue diseases.
Symptoms of implant rupture
There are often no symptoms but some women have reported:
- Pain and discomfort in the breasts
- A burning, tingling or numb sensation
- Redness
- Unusual swelling
- Hard lumps around the implant or sometimes in the armpit
- Change in size or shape
- Unusual softening or hardening
What to do if you think your implants have ruptured
Go to your GP or the private healthcare provider who fitted your implants. If required you will be offered a mammogram, ultrasound, CT scan or MRI of the breast to confirm whether an implant rupture has occurred.
What happens if my implant has ruptured
Treatment is usually the surgical removal of the split implant and scar tissue. You can decide whether or not to replace the original implant which is often free on the NHS if they fitted your originals or at an additional cost if they were implanted privately.
If you no longer want bigger breasts you don't have to have the implants replaced.
If you're not experiencing any discomfort you may want to weigh up the risks and benefits of additional surgery before committing.