Episode One
Tony tells Liz and Michelle the money has come through from the house sale and he’s paid off Steve’s tax bill. Michelle nervously breaks the news to Steve but Steve’s grateful and she’s relieved by his reaction. Meanwhile Tracy mithers Tony about the money, telling him her plans for expanding the business. Tony lies, making out the money hasn’t come through yet. But as they all attend Amy’s recorder recital at school, Steve thanks Tony for lending him the money for his tax bill. Will Tracy realise that Tony’s been stringing her along?
Bethany’s unimpressed after being forced to work at the Bistro for the day for free. As Gail tries to lay down the law, suddenly the front door flies open and Sarah storms in. Bethany cowers as Sarah tears a strip off her, revealing the truth behind Bethany’s sudden arrival in Weatherfield.
As Craig implores Faye to reconsider her plans for the impending birth, Tim approaches. Sensing there’s something going on, Tim corners Craig and demands to know what Faye is keeping from him. Will Craig crumble under pressure?
Sally spends the day working as Norris’s butler. Sharif enlists the help of Zeedan and Simon with his allotment. Gail struggles with the web of deceit she’s created.
Episode Two
Furious with Tony for lending Steve the money behind her back, Tracy threatens to reveal their affair. Desperate to keep her quiet, Tony explains to Liz and Michelle how Tracy had hoped he would put the money into their business and he’s let her down. Cornering Tracy in the Rovers backyard, Tony apologises but Tracy’s unforgiving and stalks off. Calling at No.1 Tony begs for Tracy’s forgiveness, suggesting they have a weekend away in a hotel of her choice. Can Tony win Tracy back round?
Sarah continues to tear a strip off Bethany, furious at her behaviour in Milan. Bethany’s unrepentant and picking up an ornament she hurls it at Sarah. Gail, Michael, Audrey and David watch, open-mouthed. Jason finds tearful Bethany on Maxine’s bench. Bethany moans about her life in Milan and how Sarah ignores her most of the time. Finding Bethany upset, she and Bethany have a heart to heart. Bethany begs Sarah to let them stay in Weatherfield, adamant she doesn’t want to return to Milan. Realising how unhappy Bethany is, will Sarah agree they can stay?
Tim and Sally quiz Craig over his relationship with Faye. Craig assures them Faye is just a good friend but will they realise there’s more to it?
Fed up with being treated like a slave, Sally quits her job as Norris’s butler. David becomes mildly suspicious of Gail’s strange behaviour.