Episode One
When Max spends the day at Callum’s flat, Sarah agrees to look after him instead while Callum goes out on business. But when Gemma turns up at the flat badly beaten, Sarah sends Max to his room. When Gemma lets slip that her and Callum covered up for Bethany once, Sarah demands to know what she means, but Sarah’s in for an even bigger shock when Max comes out of the bedroom brandishing the gun he’s just found...
Carla returns to the Street but is evasive when Lloyd and Roy ask about her trip to Spain. When Michelle finds a receipt from a Las Vegas hotel in the duty free gift bag that Carla gives her, Carla’s instantly awkward. What is she hiding, and where has she been?
Sally’s delighted when Tim tells her he intends to extend his window cleaning round to a new row of shops and encourages his newfound initiative.
Joni presents Robert with some legal documents that assign everything they own over to her.
Episode Two
Sarah stares in disbelief as Callum gently prises the gun off Max. Horrified at the situation she’s found herself in, Sarah tells Callum they’re finished. But when Callum shows her photos of Bethany acting as his drug mule, Sarah realises he’s got her right where he wants her...will she be able to get home safely, and is she brave enough to confide in her family?
Carla reveals to Michelle that she went to Las Vegas and lost a fortune gambling, explaining that the thrill of her new addiction helps her block out memories of the fire. Desperate to help Carla see sense, Michelle recruits the help of Roy - but can either of them help Carla open up?
Tim’s attempt to surprise Sally with a holiday to Wales falls flat when she point blank refuses to take time off work at such short notice. With Tim in Wales with Faye, Kevin calls round to keep Sally and Sophie company.
Beth feels sorry for an upset Joni when she tells her that her marriage to Robert was over a long time ago. Roy is proud of Cathy’s progress.