Steve pores over the pub paperwork looking for a solution to his financial worries. Michelle’s impressed by his calm and practical reaction. But when we see Steve bulk-buying discount toilet rolls in a bid to save money, we sense he’s not handling it so well. Liz confides in Tony that they could lose the Rovers. Tony reveals he’s just sold the house he bought for Eva and Jason and could use the proceeds to pay Steve’s tax bill. They agree not to tell Steve until the funds become available. When Steve arrives home with the loo rolls, Michelle’s stunned as he proposes marriage. The timing all wrong, will Michelle accept or let Steve down gently?
Determined to put Bethany to work, Gail takes her to the salon to help Audrey. Audrey’s sympathetic as Bethany pours her heart out about her miserable life in Italy. Audrey sings Bethany’s praises to Gail and explains she’s really unhappy in Milan, will Gail be moved or is Bethany still on the next plane home?
Faye remembers Tim’s old flat over the corner shop and suggests to Craig that she could give birth there if it’s still unoccupied. In the corner shop, Faye distracts Sophie while Craig steals the key from behind the counter so they can inspect the flat.
Sean puts up posters for Billy’s charity butler auction. Sean and Billy compete to recruit volunteer butlers for the auction.