Steve’s signed the paperwork and sold his share of the pub to Travis Limited. Tony tentatively suggests
to Liz she should sell her share of the pub too then they could start afresh somewhere else but Liz won’t hear of it. Left alone again to run the bar, Tony’s had enough and arranges for a couple of mates to put the frighteners on Liz. When the two thugs come into the Rovers and threaten Liz, will it have the desired effect? Can Tony convince Liz it’s time to sell the Rovers?
When Faye asks Anna if she can go out with her friends, Anna’s incredulous, pointing out she’s got a baby now and can’t go swanning off at the drop of a hat. Anna returns to work leaving Gary to look after Faye and Miley. Realising he’s got a job interview, Gary rushes off. Anna nips home to check on them and is horrified to find Faye watching TV whilst the baby cries.
Eileen’s pleased when she receives another message from Todd masquerading as Jeff from Dubai. Todd encourages her to keep her options open. But when Eileen tells Adrian how she still chats to other men on line, Adrian’s hurt and tells her she has to choose between him and her other internet friends. Has Eileen blown it with Adrian?
Having spent the night at the vicarage with Billy, Sean confides in Eileen that he found it a bit spooky and couldn’t relax. Steve feels reinvigorated after a day out with Michelle and the dog.