When Tracy clocks a look between Tony and Liz she’s immediately suspicious. Liz tells Tony that if they’re to have any future, he has to cut all ties with Tracy. Tony breaks the news to Tracy he wants out of the business and he’ll sell his share for £6k. Convinced there’s something going on between Tony and Liz, Tracy confronts Liz reckoning she’s back with Tony and ordered him to pull the plug on Barlow’s Buys, but Liz denies all knowledge. Tracy assures Tony she wants his share of the business and she’ll find the money. Meanwhile Tony reveals his plan to Liz to clear out the Barlow’s Buys joint account!
Leanne and Eva prepare a special tea to welcome Simon home from his holiday with Peter. Over tea with Ken and Eva he paints on a smile but as soon as they leave, he drops the façade and slams into his room. Leanne fights back tears of despair.
David books a fake appointment for Kylie with her drugs counsellor. Audrey reluctantly gives her the afternoon off. Kylie’s annoyed but David points out she’s free to enjoy herself and it makes their story look more convincing. Following some time on her own will Kylie feel ready to put Callum’s death behind them and pull together as a family?
When Erica arrives in the pub with her suitcase and explains she’s fallen out with her family and has nowhere to live, Dev comes to her rescue and offers her the flat above the shop.