Classic Pimms
Let's start easy. In order to master the more complicated Pimms recipes, first one must know how to make actual Pimms. So let's start at the bottom and work our way up. I mean, it's not going to take you long - there's literally only one instruction in this Pimms instructional recipe. Get it over and done with and let's move on. Recipe here.
Pimms crumble
As we get into summer the weather's always a little unpredictable, which is why it's good to have a winter warmer recipe chucked in, just in case you need to take a rain check. This Pimms crumble is a perfect summer/winter compromise. Try it here.
Pimms and strawberry syllabub
Turns out not only is syllabub a fun word to say, but it's also a delicious dessert containing fresh, booze-soaked strawberries and heavy lashings of whipped double cream. We needn't go on because let's be honest, we had you at 'booze' didn't we? Get it here.
Strawberry and Pimms jam
You can literally put jam on anything: toast, scones, cake, a spoon that goes straight into your mouth. So why not get your Pimms fix by chucking this summery preserve onto anything and everything you see? Recipe here.
Pimms trifle
It doesn't get more British than Pimms and trifle put together in one big bowl. Your granny will be proud! Impress you family with this one here.
Sticky Pimms chicken tray bake
If you thought Pimms was only for sweet stuff then you'd be WRONG! This sticky, sweet chicken dish will be a new sensation for the taste buds, but be warned: it's pretty much a sure thing that everyone's going to ask for seconds so make sure you make lots of it! Recipe here.
Pimms pavlova
If you have a sweet tooth, it doesn't get much sweeter than these summery mini pavlovas. Delectable sugary meringue nests crammed full of Pimms-infused double cream and fresh strawberries. Is your mouth watering? Ours too... Get the recipe here.
Pimms and lemonade jelly
Quick and easy for those who like the Pimms and like the eating but don't like the making-stuff bit, these jellies are for you, my friend. Quick and easy but oh-so tasty, the jellies will take up mere minutes of your time, then just chuck them in the fridge and forget about them until it's time to eat! Now that's my kinda cooking. Recipe here.
Blackberry and Elderflower Pimms ombre cake
Woah. This is one for the cake aficionados. This ombre cake takes real dedication but oh man will it impress your Pimms-loving buddies. So where exactly is the Blackberry and Elderflower Pimms? Well, it's all in the syrup ya see. And what's better than a boozy cake? Nothing, really. Recipe here.
Pimms layer cake
But if complicated icing isn't really your thang, this naked layer cake eliminates that sticky wicket from your baking process. Topped with summery fruits and exposing every delicious layer, this cake is the perfect centrepiece for your Pimms party. That's right, Pimms parties are now a thing - we just coined it. Recipe here.
Pimms fruit salad
Now, we at SoFem know that in the summer is the time to watch the waistline. We're all trying to get that beach bod ready for our summer holidays, which is why we love this Pimms infused fruit salad. Pick your favourite seasonal fruit, and simple soak it in Pimms syrup for a delicious salad. Who says you can't get drunk with your five-a-day?! Recipe here.
Pimms ice pops
The summer weather is unpredictable, as we all know too well. But, on the off-chance you do manage to throw a party on one of the five truly hot days over the summer, keep these Pimms ice lollies stocked in your freezer. Trust us, your pals will thank you for it. Recipe here.
Pimms bundt cake
What exactly makes a bundt cake a bundt cake? Well, it's mostly down to the shape of the fluted, ring-shaped pan that it's cooked it. But what makes a Pimms bundt cake, a Pimms bundt cake? The citrusy flavours of orange and lemon, a hint of mint and a dash of lemonade. Oh, and plenty of Pimms of course. Recipe here.
Cucumber and lemon cupcakes with Pimms icing
Now we're talking! A British summer party wouldn't be complete without some dainty little cupcakes. These cucumber and lemon beauties pack a wonderfully subtle punch with their Pimms icing piped delicately on top. Try them out here.
Pimms truffles
Some of us have more a sophisticated pallete than others. If you count youself as one of these people, these Pimms truffles are for you. Decadently rich, just make sure you have a tall glass of Pimms to wash them down with, because they're gonna make you hella thirsty! Recipe here.
Pimms sorbet
A refreshing aperitif to any summer BBQ, this Pimms sorbet is truly delicious. It takes a while to make, but it's really a labour of love, and the results are so stunning that the afternoon you spent perfecting the recipe will soon melt away. Recipe here.
Got any more delicious recipes to add? Let us know! @sofeminineUK
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