The book, entitled 'The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep', was written by Swedish behavioural scientist Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin, and is designed to have your children go to sleep in a "safe and innovative" way. It is described as a book that will "help your kids go to sleep with science", and it actually works by giving "suggestions to the child's unconscious mind to sleep", as the story follows Roger Rabbit on his adventure with characters including one 'Uncle Yawn'. Yup, we can see how this would be somewhat suggesting!
Although we couldn't imagine a storybook to have ACTUAL MAGICAL POWERS, according to Amazon reviews this book is legit. One user said: "This has been the first thing to get her into sleep mode in under 20 minutes. It feels almost like a guided meditation, and the story is so lovely that it's a true pleasure to read aloud."
Another said: "We've struggled with bedtime for a little while now. It was to the point where my 4 year old daughter would kick and scream and cry that she just couldn't settle down. This worked. Thank goodness! I'm a believer. I can't wait for more!"
What helps your little one to sleep? Tweet us @sofeminineUK!
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