If you thought this whole power brow thing was going away then you'd be wrong. Yep, call it what you will, bushy brows, the scouse brow, the Delevingne - this look is here to stay and we're totally on board.
A good face framing brow job can lift your eyes, give strength to your face and add angular contours for a high fashion sculpted look. In fact, a bushy, healthy pair of brows can even be anti-ageing; they're so much better than an over-plucked patchy fuzz.
But naturally, with a look this bold, it's easy to go wrong - and the last thing you want is to end up looking more slap-happy transvestite than fool-proof fashionista.
That's why we've put together a step by step video on how to perfect the scouse brow. You might have a few questions about how it's done; like how much brow is too much? Where do you start blocking off that brow for a statement start? And what products are best when it comes to building a bold brow look? Powders or pencils? Gah. It's enough to send you into a make-up tail spin.
Luckily we've got it all sorted - just check out the video below to get a perfect power brow sorted.
Need some big brow inspiration? Check out these brow heavy beauties:

A fan of the power brow or too shy to try? Tweet us @sofeminineuk