All articles by: Pascale Day
Hollyoaks 31/07 - Scott Gets Himself A Job Working With His Secret Brother

Hollyoaks Episode Guide - Monday 31st July. SPOILER ALERT! Yasmine is devastated when Prince chooses Lily over her and pours a box of Alfie’s crickets down Lily’s top. Lily is...
Coronation Street 31/07 - Robert Resorts To Drastic Measures

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 31st July. SPOILER ALERT! Having spoken to the police, Robert tells Michelle that Rich has a cast iron alibi and couldn’t be the vandal...
Eastenders 31/07 - Mick Offers Whitney Her Job Back

Eastenders Episode Guide - Monday 31st July. SPOILER ALERT! The Carters struggle to get their heads around the latest changes made to The Vic by Fi but their minds soon turn...
Aldi's New Mud Mask Is Being Compared To This £39 Designer Beauty Product

Isn't it just the best feeling when you discover something that's almost exactly like you're fave beauty product, but a tenth of the price? Well, let us introduce you to Aldi's...
This Woman Was Left In Severe Pain After 'Nail Glue' Was Used For Her Fake Eyelashes

When you head to the salon for a treatment, you expect the staff to know what they're doing. You expect them to know exactly where the knots in your back are and how exactly to...
Turns Out Skipping Your Lunch Break Is Adding Some Serious Time Onto Your Working Year

If you think about it, really think about it, when was the last time you took a proper, hour-long lunch break? Went out in the sun, brought yourself a fancy sandwich. Listened...
Wife Puts Chillies Up Mistress's Vagina After She Catches Husband Cheating

No girl likes to find out their boyf's been cheating on them. Some get over it with a few friends and a lot of wine, some get under someone else, some might just straight up ghost...
This Woman's Foundation Reviews Highlight A Big Problem With The Beauty Industry

If you're in need of a new badass role model, we've got just the lady: meet Nyma Tang, whose beauty videos not only show you how to contour, but fight back against colourism in...
Rosé Wine Jam Is Here To Spice Up Your Morning Toast

If there's on thing we love to see, it's the absolute saints that take it upon themselves to combine our favourite eats with our favourite drinks to create the ultimate mouth fodder...
Good News Gals! Someone Has Finally Created A Beer For Women

Oh em gee ladies, isn't it just like, the literal worst when you go to a pub and you don't fancy a prosecco and there's no Aperol spritz and only beer left, but ew! It's beer...
Woman Posts Inspiring Before & After Pictures Of Her Heroin Addiction To Help Others

Everyone who has ever suffered with addiction knows that bad habits are hard to kick. And those close to someone who has suffered with addiction know this just as well. Melissa...
This Woman's Side-By-Side Photos Show Endometriosis Is 'No Joke'

Endometriosis isn't the enigma it once was thanks to the likes of Lena Dunham, Halsey and Julianne Hough, but it's still a condition that many of us don't understand. But Thessy...
There's An App That Texts You To Stop Drinking Like A Moaning Parent

A new Australian app promises to help you curb your hangovers by sending you regular text messages on your night out that replicate the naggy texts your mum sends when she expects...
Eastenders 28/07 - Kush And Shakil Discuss Carmel's Divorce

Eastenders Episode Guide - Friday 28th July. SPOILER ALERT! Carmel prepares for her date with Max and as she gets glammed up, Denise susses what’s going on but Carmel insists...
Hollyoaks 28/07 - Farrah Kisses Kim

Hollyoaks Episode Guide - Friday 28th July. SPOILER ALERT! Everyone arrives back from Ibiza. Neeta tries to break up with Mac. Harry and Tony get a letter confirm Ste’s trial...
Hollyoaks 27/07 - Ellie And Brody Continue To Flirt

Hollyoaks Episode Guide - Thursday 27th July. SPOILER ALERT! Ellie and Brody continue to flirt whilst Holly feels uncomfortable. Lily and Prince decide to sleep together and...
Coronation Street 28/07 - Robert And Michelle Realise They're Being Targeted

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 28th July. SPOILER ALERT! Toyah tells Leanne that she’s got an appointment with her IVF consultant. Gail summons Leanne toNo.8 and begrud...
Eastenders 27/07 - Carmel Receives Divorce Papers From Omar

Eastenders Episode Guide - Thursday 27th July. SPOILER ALERT! A smug Max makes things worse for an oblivious Lauren. Carmel turns to Denise for support when she unexpectedly...
Hollyoaks 26/07 - Prince And Lily Decide They Want To Be Together

Hollyoaks Episode Guide - Wednesday 26th July. SPOILER ALERT! Warren tells Grace he is still in love with Sienna. Grace turns up to tell Sienna all about the affair. Neeta apologises...
Eastenders 25/07 - Abi Is Shocked When Steven Proposes To Lauren

Eastenders Episode Guide - Tuesday 25th July. SPOILER ALERT! Phil Mitchell is back in Albert Square but what brings him home? Steven is thrown when Lauren is less than enthusiastic...