Carla Cain Walther

All articles by: Carla Cain Walther

Did HBO Go Ruin Your Sunday Night? True Detective Finale Crashes The Site

HBO Go promised its subscribers that the season finale of the hugely popular True Detective would go up on the site at 9PM E.T., but the sheer number of users logging on caused...

What Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, and Other Stars Should Give Up For #Lent2014

It was Ash Wednesday yesterday and that means Lent 2014 has officially begun! We hope these eight stars take our suggestions and give up some of their bad habits! Miley - Enough...

5 Actresses Who Are Yalemates With Lupita Nyong'o

Let’s just admit it - we’ve fallen in love with Lupita Nyong’o. Between her on point red carpet style, breathtaking beauty, and talent, Lupita has made an incredible impression...

The Baby-Inspired Workout That's Harder Than You Think

Parents - who says you need a workout buddy your own age? Sometimes it takes the cutest viral video on YouTube to remind us that babies do more than spit up, cry, and demand all...