Partnerships of all kinds are challenging, yet far-reaching. Your progress in collaborations and financial deals has a kind of fated quality, which actually gives you peace of mind. Pursuing your beliefs is the key to a victory early on, but your modesty will pay off when keeping workmates onside. Making changes throughout this month is demanding, but also highly creative as long as you keep a rebel in check... By the 26th,when opportunity knocks, this paves the way for personal success. You can expect rewards in praise and/or cash but you’ll need to weather stormy scenarios. Stamina carries you through.
Sex and Relationships
Commitment issues will come up, so don’t shy away from admitting your true feelings. Fireworks are unsettling but fan the flames of passion. Close encounters have a meant-to-be quality and realising this encourages a major shift in understanding. Feel free to express your true self without needing to seek approval.
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