Famous Cancerians: Celebrities with Cancer star sign

If you’re ever in trouble, always turn to a Cancer. One of the most reliable of all of the star signs, Cancerians will always be there in a crisis with a compassionate ear.
Extremely maternal towards friends and family, Cancerians are caring and protective of all those around them.
But don’t think Cancer is humdrum, oh no, their humour can be pretty off the wall at times. We mean, did you see that Tom Cruise Oprah moment?
Other celebrity Cancers include Cheryl Cole, Tom Hanks and Liv Tyler.
So read on to find out which celebs have Cancer as their star sign!
All images from GETTY
Extremely maternal towards friends and family, Cancerians are caring and protective of all those around them.
But don’t think Cancer is humdrum, oh no, their humour can be pretty off the wall at times. We mean, did you see that Tom Cruise Oprah moment?
Other celebrity Cancers include Cheryl Cole, Tom Hanks and Liv Tyler.
So read on to find out which celebs have Cancer as their star sign!
All images from GETTY