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Famous Taureans: Celebrities with Taurus star sign

by Charlotte Hoddge ,
Famous Taureans: Celebrities with Taurus star sign
Taurus is hot stuff. One of the more sensual signs of the zodiac, Taureans tend to be oozing in sexual energy.

Makes sense when you see that Jessica Alba, George Clooney AND Channing Tatum are all Taureans right?

Other than their seriously sensual nature, people with a Taurus star sign are naturally creative and love to surround themselves with beautiful things and beautiful people throughout their life.

They're also incredibly sensible and hardworking, like our very own Queenie who also shares the sign of Taurus.

This also comes in handy as someone needs to foot the bill for their incredible spending - they do tend to like the finer things in life - so just as well they work hard and spend hard.

Find out which other famous faces share the sign of Taurus.

All images from GETTY.
Charlotte Hoddge